Sunday, May 15, 2011

Productive Sunday

I had a productive day today.   I worked on some prints and decided to photograph some of the process for you to see.   I have been doing some car prints and got some good responses from them; so I decided to do some more on different type of papers.  
I have also started some prints of peppers.   My first few prints will be of two red peppers on different color and type of peppers.  I will expand to more peppers of different colors.   The prints you see are of one pepper and once it is completely dry by tomorrow, I will print the second pepper.   I am excited about this new set of prints; It will be lots of fun!    I also updated my Flickr photostream, please do visit.  And made a carrot cake for work; our team has a graduation and a birthday to celebrate tomorrow!   Check out the pictures below!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 

Peppers linocuts
Car linocut

Red ink

Red car prints

Another red car print
Red pepper print (not finished yet)

More red pepper prints (not finished yet)
My carrot cake


  1. The prints look great! And, so does that cake, yum!

  2. Thanks. We had the cake today and it was delicious! :)
